In most cases, the zero is green, and the rest of the numbers are either red or black. On the board, you can see numbers: a single zero (0), a double zero (00) – when it comes to American Roulette – and numbers from one to 36. There is a roulette board, a ball and a wheel. We now shall take a look at the main components of the game. How Roulette Works: Know the Factsįor all the people who are just starting out with online casino roulette, let us give you the basics. Our ultimate goal is to look into online casino roulette UK and this is what you are going to read about in the next few paragraphs. At the end of this post, we will also offer answers to some frequently asked questions, as well as a quick glossary of the most important terms. We will also talk about how you can improve your odds of winning and tell you which pitfalls to avoid, as well as which online casinos to go for. We will teach you what bets can be placed and which are the best to make to end up on the winning side. This is a great guide for beginner players who are still learning the ropes. We are going to talk about the game and tell you the slight differences between land-based and online roulette for real money. If you want to know more about online casino roulette, you have come to the right place.